Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People. - 1447 Words

How Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People. At the age of fourteen, I had my first puff of smoke. Even before that I knew a lot of cigarette brands due to advertising. Since then I started smoking and when I went to cafeterias and clubs the people who were promoting cigarettes would offer me a new brand to try and gave me free packs of cigarettes and a lighter with their brand. They didn’t mind how old I was, they just wanted to give them away and promote their product. But except this kind of advertisement, I had seen lots of tobacco advertisements on billboards which made me believe that everything is ok if I smoke. This is a false impression that tobacco advertisements picture to teenagers. Tobacco advertisements influence†¦show more content†¦The second reason why tobacco advertising attracting teenagers should be forbidden is the positive impression which teenagers get from tobacco advertising. When teenagers see a tobacco advertisement showing smokers who are pictured with lots of friends, they feel they want to be cool or successful socially. This is how the advertisements play into the natural insecurities of young people. Also when the teenagers see the Virginia Slims advertisements they get the impression that smoking will make them beautiful and thinner. But this is not true, because it destroys the beauty. The tobacco companies use this confusion that many young people think (KQED). The advertisements connect smoking with romantic relationships. Because many people want to feel emotionally secure and physically attractive advertisements create a false impression between smoking and finding the soul-mate. Another way to advertise their product is to put healthy, successful and thin role models to act in such a way to attract teens. A recent report from the National Cancer Institute strongly suggests that tobacco advertising and the depiction of cigarette smoking in movies can encourage teenagers to start smoking (Hayes 1). Also Hausa film Industry stars glamorize the smoking of cigarettes and the rate of this glamorization is very big. Young people imitate the actorsShow MoreRelatedIndian Ban On Tobacco Advertisements1469 Words   |  6 PagesINDIAN BAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTS IN FAVOUR According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco accounted for over 3 million deaths in 1990, the figure rising to 4.023 million in 1998. It is estimated that tobacco related deaths would rise to 8.4 million in 2020 and to 10 million in about 2030. Internal industry documents released in the United States, described 14 – 24 year olds as â€Å"tomorrow’s business†. 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